The malefic audial chaos emanated by the cult known under the name Ptahil is not from Earth. They are the sound of illumination through Satanic gnosticism. Heavy Metal charged with adversarial ritual and spirituality penetrating into the depths of the planetary crust and projecting liberation beyond the cosmos’ limit. Sworn to the Anti-Cosmic Chaos and the perpetuation towards the death of ALL life.
PTAHIL (pronounced Fetahil) came into existence when
J. Mhaghnuis recorded the 18 minute epic “Dies Iræ! Dies Illa!
Solvet Sæclum In Favilla!” The sprawling, malefic majesty was
featured in the first official release - the Ortus EP - on Stronghold Records.
Another titled “Anti-Flesh Existence” from the same label followed
shortly after, which contributed ambient ritual elements that would become
integrated in the groundwork of all future output emerging from the Death
D. Luathca joins as the second member of the Death Cult
and a deal is made with Wraith Productions to release future material. Shortly
thereafter, PTAHIL enters the studio to record “The Black Fire”
demo to be released on the aforementioned label. The “May She Destroy
The Cosmos / Drunk On The Blood Of All Life” single is recorded within
the same time frame and unleashed through Stronghold Records.
PTAHIL records their debut full-length album, “For
His Satanic Majesty’s Glory” to be released on Wraith Productions.
Upon completion, it is unleashed into existence upon a wretched world unsuspecting
on November 14th 2011.
“For His Satanic Majesty’s Glory”
receives praise from press and fans alike, establishing the Death Cult as
a metallic occult presence to be reckoned with.
In March, PTAHIL embarks on a mini tour leading to Texas where they share the stage with Teratism and Bahimiron. Following that gathering, writing and recording finishes with the 2nd full-length release entitled, “The Almighty Propagator of Doom and Despair”, which was released on 12/21/2012 once again on Wraith Productions.
In August, PTAHIL performs at the first annual Sleaze Fest with Mausoleum, Midnight, and The Mentors. During that year, the Death Cult also completed another recording to become their eventual 3rd full-length release, entitled, “Born Against”.
Now truely feeling the blessings of the dark with their notorious presence having being established, enough new material was composed to be featured on their 4th & 5th releases as well for eventual future unleashing...
Joker Lokison joins the cult on Bass Guitar and PTAHIL
begins their renewed live assaults as a trio.
Demo tracking begins for the 4th full-length recording of the Death Cult, entitled “PanDaemonAeon”.
PTAHIL performed live several times in 2013, sharing the stage with bands like Skeletonwitch, Black Witchery, and Mausoleum. In November, a successful seven date North Eastern US & Canadian Tour was embarked upon with Demonic Christ.
Two years after completion, PTAHIL’s
third full-length recording, “Born Against” is unleashed through
Arctic Music.
PTAHIL enter the Ensomberroom Studios to begin laying
down basic tracks for their fourth full-length recording, “Pan-Daemon-Aeon”.
This marks not only the first recorded output with Joker Lokison in the fold
but the inclusion of Moog Synth and Theremin into the sound of the cult. Both
serve to further expand the sonic capacities of their invoked ritual audio
In June, PTAHIL performed at the 11th annual installment of Destroying Texas Fest.
In December 2015, PTAHIL enter Temple Studios to finish vocals and begin mixing for “Pan-Daemon-Aeon”. That work is soon to be unleashed, and the activity of the cult persists onward to this very day...
written by: Randal Wolcott